Abchordis Ensemble is a Swiss ensemble and association based in Basel-Stadt, bringing together talented musicians who trained at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.
Since its foundation in 2012, Abchordis has been dedicated to in-depth musicological research discovering masterpieces of Baroque music that have been forgotten in our time.
The ensemble’s name derives from two Latin expressions: “Ab corde” (from the heart) and “Ex chordis” (from the strings), symbolizing its dual inspiration — the heartfelt expression of music and the rich textures created by string instruments. This duality reflects its artistic philosophy, bridging emotional depth with technical excellence.
Concerto di varij istromenti, Musica da Camera del Barocco napoletano
Discover our upcoming concerts and events
Società Filarmonica Trento (Italy),
Via Giuseppe Verdi 30, Trento, 10.30 h
Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg,
rue Charles Martel, L-2134 Luxembourg, 19.00 h
Martinskirche Basel,
Martinskirchplatz 4, 4051 Basel, 19.30 h
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 – 1741) – Serenata a tre RV 690
Eurilla: Marie Lys, soprano
Nice: Sophie Rennert, mezzo-soprano
Alcindo: Anicio Zorzi Giustiniani, tenor
Abchordis Ensemble
Andrea Buccarella, conductor
The Vivaldi Edition | Naïve
Released: 2023